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See how your rated skills compare to users that have reached Mentor status. Mentors are also qualified to Host Workshops to help you up-skill.

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Monetize your skills
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Follow the prompts to easily create a Workshop based on your rated Achievements and what will make the most money.

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Real people!
Attend a Workshop.

Better than watching a video. Workshops are hosted by real people that share the skills you need.

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Track income
Earn up to $480 per hour!

Workshops are $60 per attendee, or can be offered Free with enterprise licenses. Hosts keep 80% of paid registration and can earn up to $480 in one hour.*

*10 attendees x $60 with an 80% payout = $480

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Talentsky reminds me of the early years at Starbucks, where visionary leaders cared about people first.

Rossann Williams, COO SweetGreen and former US President Starbucks

Getting started


Complete your profile

Stand out from the crowd. Share your career journey and the achievements you made to get there.


Reach Mentor status

Post five achievements rated by at least two people who know your work then publish your Mentor page! It’s that easy!


Host a Workshop

Go one step further as a Mentor and create a Workshop from an achievement. Start earning for what you know!